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  • She's Got GAWL Podcast

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Events that inspire, engage, educate, and connect. Events with you in mind.


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Through GAWL, I have met bar and community leaders, received business referrals, and gained leadership training and community involvement. I know of no other organization that offers such diverse, individualized benefits for its members.
Pilar Prinz
Lawler Green Prinz, LLC
Through the relationships I have developed as a Board member of GAWL, my business revenues have grown exponentially, and even more importantly, I have developed relationships with other professionals that I now consider mentors and friends.
Cristina C. León
The Partners Group
GAWL provides me with a reliable referral network that reflects the diversity and quality of legal talent in Georgia.
Joyce Gist Lewis
Shingler Lewis LLC
I not only have received actual clients from several GAWL members over the years, I started a new law firm in January 2013 with fellow former President Stephanie Friese. Without GAWL, I never would have met Stephanie!
Christian F. Torgrimson
Pursley Friese Torgrimson

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